Giving back to the community is an important part of who we are. 

We are dedicated to helping animals in need. 

A part of our proceeds go to different local non-profit organizations to support the efforts of rescue organizations. 


As our products are made from nature, it is only right that we give back to Earth what we take from it.

Through our partnerships and best efforts, we give back to our planet and support regeneration so that your pup & you can continue to have the best playground right here! On our planet :)

We empower you to make the right choices for yourself, your pets, and for Earth.



Our eco-friendly bags that come with every order are made from plant seed paper and can be used and reused. When they don’t serve their purpose anymore, they can be planted! Simply rip into smallish pieces, place in some soil, and give a good amount of water and a whole lot of love. Place in sun, keep moist and watch it grow into beautiful Marigold flowers! 🌼

Ecologi & Ecocart

A tree is planted in your honor for every order through Ecologi. 🌳

You can offset the carbon emissions from your individual order by adding Ecocart's add-on to your order.

Every small action adds to become big changes in the world. 🌍

Recycle With RECAPP!

Download the Recapp App (UAE only). 

Schedule your free recycling pick up (Try as much as possible to have a minimum of 4kg or 2 bags full!)

Collect & redeem your points with 


Any plastic that is used in our product packaging is made with upcycled post-consumer (PCR) materials. 


PCR PACKAGING stands for post-consumer recycled packaging. It involves the incorporation of materials that consumers have already used and discarded in recycling bins, such as paper, plastic, cardboard, and aluminum. Local recycling facilities collect these materials, separate them by type, and then sell them to companies that melt the plastics down into small pellets. These pellets can then be molded into films of plastic that can see fresh use in new packages.

By using recycled materials, we divert waste from ending up in the landfill, and by using PCR plastic, 
RORY'S APAWTHECARY is leading a zero-waste revolution
